Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Agreement with being progressive

I could not agree more with my colleague and his article "Progressive Ideas in a Traditional Texas". There is such a bad stigma on marijuana that a large portion of the population fail to see the positive affects it can have. Who are we to deny someone sick from a natural remedy?  It would not only help the sick it would spark new revenue to a state that is sinking in its own budget gap. The criticism that there would be a risk of motorists smoking and driving: Are they serious on this one? Alcohol is not medicine (ok let me rephrase, not scientific medicine) and yet there are hundred upon thousands of drunk people filling TX roads. I’m not saying that all marijuana should be legal and that bong parties should be the new rage. I am, however, for people putting down their preconceived notions about it and diving into the research. Let the statistics and scientist tell the people the facts and not the rumor mill. Generate money, help the sick, create cures, and all in all…move on to real issues that don’t involve something natural. I’m sure there is more on Capitol Hill to worry about then legalizing medical marijuana but I guess fighting it over and over hides all the other issues behind a foggy veil.