I could not agree more with my colleague and his article "Progressive Ideas in a Traditional Texas". There is such a bad stigma on marijuana that a large portion of the population fail to see the positive affects it can have. Who are we to deny someone sick from a natural remedy? It would not only help the sick it would spark new revenue to a state that is sinking in its own budget gap. The criticism that there would be a risk of motorists smoking and driving: Are they serious on this one? Alcohol is not medicine (ok let me rephrase, not scientific medicine) and yet there are hundred upon thousands of drunk people filling TX roads. I’m not saying that all marijuana should be legal and that bong parties should be the new rage. I am, however, for people putting down their preconceived notions about it and diving into the research. Let the statistics and scientist tell the people the facts and not the rumor mill. Generate money, help the sick, create cures, and all in all…move on to real issues that don’t involve something natural. I’m sure there is more on Capitol Hill to worry about then legalizing medical marijuana but I guess fighting it over and over hides all the other issues behind a foggy veil.
Lonestar Law & Leadership
The principles, ideas, and laws that frame our lives.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Politics Need to Get Social
I recently read an article on George W. Bush appearing on Facebook to promote his new book. At first, I was confused. I didn’t realize that Facebook provided a platform for people to promote things. However, as much as I hate to admit it, I think it’s a great idea. I would like to see more politicians reaching out via social networks. This would be a great way to connect with younger Americans. Obama used social networking to get elected to office; however, he hasn’t used them again. If he were to use Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, etc. to speak on political issues I believe he could get a strong following of young adults. The biggest cause of noninvolvement from this group is simply being unmotivated to dig out issues and information. If government was presented in a method that is understandable and easily accessible, I believe more people would get involved. George W. Bush is using facebook to promote a book. Why can’t Obama use it to explain his health care plan in words that are relatable to young adults? Why didn’t recent candidates during elections use any method of social networks? There is a whole genre of young people that are left out of campaigning and if someone could tap into the social networks, I feel they would have far greater support and more votes.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Debate of Our Own
I really enjoyed reading Rick Trevino’s opinions on the Perry/White debate debacle, especially considering we have different viewpoints. I believe that campaigning is a mix of media, speaking, articles, etc. that lets the people become more acquainted to the candidates. For the incumbent to basically hold an ultimatum to his opponent and fail to show up to a debate is rude. He is voted for and working for the people. To deny the people the right to hear a debate seems unjust. He wanted White to disclose his previous tax records and since White wouldn’t, Perry stated he wouldn’t debate. I feel as though that is for the people to decide. I believe that we have an intelligent voting pool. If a voter sees that White refuses to disclose something then they will make their own decisions based on this action. Perry is not some God sitting on a thrown that we all bow down to. He is a man that wants to get elected.
I do see his point and it is valid. I suppose that this situation hit me on a more moral level then thinking about the strategic move it in. Strategically it may have been very smart for him to not show. However, I personally don’t like the man at all.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Stop Harassing My Ears!
I would think that politicians would use a 45 second commercial spot to give us as viewers a reason to vote for them. But instead I find smear campaigns filling my television. I watch television to get away from the real world for a bit. If Patrick Rose had a campaign commercial that said “I’ve done a good job…I’ve done this and this and this”, I’d think “Wow, that’s basic and honest”. But instead I get “Everything said about Patrick Rose is WRONG! His opponent has spent X amount of money and said X and X that is false and unethical”. Do you know what this makes me think? He cares more about being an asshole to his opponent then he does about being honest about issues. It makes me think that he hasn’t done enough in his term to stand on his actions alone. Is this true? I honestly don’t know. I do know that his “serious/mad face” is highly amusing.
Thank you politicians for filling my “me” time with drama. Lord knows we could all use more bickering and drama in our lives. The last thing we need is someone with honesty and sheer ambition to make a difference in government (/sarcasm). The bottom line is that it’s easier to say what your opponent did wrong than what you did right. You think that if you can show that they are bottom of the barrel losers I’ll vote in your favor. I would vote based off of principle alone if politicians would stop using kindergarten playground- fighting techniques. Say something meaningful. Here is a thought….why don’t you do something that shows us something. Give your words some action behind them. Volunteer, be honest, have integrity, and fight with dignity.
Dear politicians, I would really like for you to quit ruining my shows with your whining.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Perry Skipping Out
“Showdown for those who show up” is an amazing article that encourages people to show up to the debate tonight. However, I would be far more moved and probably agree more outwardly if the writer of the editorial would have provided his/her name. To state your opinions is your right, but when you don’t feel your words are worthy enough of your signature…do you expect me too?
Moving on from the lack of ownership, this article brings up the fact that Governor Perry will not be gracing people with his presence at the debate tonight. Apparently this is punishment to Bill White for not making his tax returns in the 90’s public. I take this as a slap in the face from our Governor. He feels like this is “in the bag” and doesn’t have to make points to us, he is in turn making a point to White. This is the way he has ran office from the get go so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.
The writer of this editorial has great points and also walks the blame line equally. She/He gives points of Governor Perry not showing up and doesn’t come across as overly democrat or republican. I do have a credibility issue with the writer considering I can’t find an author. I feel that the audience this speaks to is well versed. You have the younger crowd who wants to be more involved and know all the facts as well as the older genre that may be straighter laced and have their minds made up.
I do find the comments on the post amusing. Some people are so quick to show their anger about this editorial because it speaks ill of Governor Perry. My opinion is maybe he could explain himself….if he would show up for the debate.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Once again Rick Perry "Confronts" someone.....
Colleen McCain hit the nail on the head with her editorial about Rick Perry and his “confrontation” with President Obama entitled "Rick Perry "confronted" Barack Obama?". Leave it to Rick Perry to completely and utterly fabricate a situation, one caught on camera not to mention, and twist it to him being Texas’ hero. His campaign has been nothing but “Look what I did for you” statements. He didn’t do anything for “us”. He is the stereotypical politician. His words, commercials, radio ads, and articles come across as pompous and arrogant. If I ever met Rick Perry I would expect him to say “You can thank me now” rather than “Nice to meet you too”.
Colleen’s opinion on Rick Perry is not only correct but documented. Obama wouldn’t even take Rick Perry’s letter on the tarmac and yet Rick Perry chose to use the word “confront” in his ad. Colleen McCain is targeting individuals that use their brains and resort to their intelligence to make decisions. She is targeting individuals like me that think Rick Perry is absolutely ridiculous in his claims of being Texas’ all mighty ruling one.
Perry clapping his hands for when the plane landed, his handshake, and big smile sure seems like more of a kiss-ass session than that of a confrontation.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Would you voluntarily pay for a stranger's abortion?
What better way to find an article that relates to local government than to find it in our very own Austin American Statesman. Following that sentence I'll continue with this: What better way to get blood boiling than to start this off with an article about abortion.
Tuesday, September 21st, a gathering met at the Travis County Commissioners Court hoping to make an argument for abortions that are on the budget and being financed by tax payer's money. Those for and against both showed up to voice their opinions and concerns. An argument for the funding state that if this funding isn’t an option, women will seek help with abortions from other places thus potentially putting their lives in danger. An argument against the funding stands on the basis that it is just morally wrong. Another issue that was brought up is why have all of the maternity houses in this area closed. A very blunt point made by an anti-abortionist, “Travis County is the only political entity in Texas that uses taxpayer money for abortions”.
As of now, the ruling stands in favor of those for using tax money to fund abortions for those who normally couldn't afford it. Judge Sam Biscoe of Travis County says that the court does not have the power to pull a single thing out of the budget. In his words, “It’s an all or nothing proposition for us”.
This is first hand evidence why it is important to be involved in government. Whether you are for or against abortion isn’t the main point of why I chose to cover this article. My main point is this: Do you know where your tax money is going? Did you know that Travis County is the only entity in Texas that uses taxpayer money, your money, for the funding of abortions? Does it make you think what else you are paying for and may not even know?
Know your rights, know your government. You don’t have to fight for politics, but sometimes fighting for something you believe in gets political.
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