Monday, November 1, 2010

Stop Harassing My Ears!

                I would think that politicians would use a 45 second commercial spot to give us as viewers a reason to vote for them. But instead I find smear campaigns filling my television. I watch television to get away from the real world for a bit. If Patrick Rose had a campaign commercial that said “I’ve done a good job…I’ve done this and this and this”, I’d think “Wow, that’s basic and honest”. But instead I get “Everything said about Patrick Rose is WRONG! His opponent has spent X amount of money and said X and X that is false and unethical”. Do you know what this makes me think? He cares more about being an asshole to his opponent then he does about being honest about issues. It makes me think that he hasn’t done enough in his term to stand on his actions alone. Is this true? I honestly don’t know. I do know that his “serious/mad face” is highly amusing.
                Thank you politicians for filling my “me” time with drama. Lord knows we could all use more bickering and drama in our lives. The last thing we need is someone with honesty and sheer ambition to make a difference in government (/sarcasm).  The bottom line is that it’s easier to say what your opponent did wrong than what you did right. You think that if you can show that they are bottom of the barrel losers I’ll vote in your favor. I would vote based off of principle alone if politicians would stop using kindergarten playground- fighting techniques. Say something meaningful. Here is a thought….why don’t you do something that shows us something. Give your words some action behind them. Volunteer, be honest, have integrity, and fight with dignity.
Dear politicians, I would really like for you to quit ruining my shows with your whining.


  1. What Cherish has said here is very blunt and right to the point about our politics. Now I do not watch television on a daily basis, I just usually get away from the real world through my computer and my many other multimedia devices I own. Whenever I choose to turn on the television and it happens to be during the election races, all I usually see is politicians telling us what the other politician has done wrong. I am totally with Cherish when it comes to informing the public about each politician, we would like to hear more positive statements rather than trash talking on our television sets. Although, we do need to hear the "truth" about the people we are placing our trust in, to doing what is best for our community.

  2. I have to say Ms. Morgan you have hit the nail on the head. I agree with you 100%. We do have some different views on things a seen on previous post but you have a great point. All of the time you see politicians wasting time "valuable air time" bashing each other in the race to win the seat. It would be nice for them to inform us of the good they have done or will do. More of the positive things they have to offer us with in their terms in office.

    Most people get their news from the telly, and if this is what they have to offer than what good information does the public have to go off of? I believe we would be better educated in who we elect as our representatives if they gave use better informative commercial spots instead of watching this electoral soap opera.
