Monday, November 29, 2010

Politics Need to Get Social

I recently read an article on George W. Bush appearing on Facebook to promote his new book. At first, I was confused. I didn’t realize that Facebook provided a platform for people to promote things. However, as much as I hate to admit it, I think it’s a great idea. I would like to see more politicians reaching out via social networks. This would be a great way to connect with younger Americans. Obama used social networking to get elected to office; however, he hasn’t used them again. If he were to use Facebook, Myspace, Blogger, etc. to speak on political issues I believe he could get a strong following of young adults. The biggest cause of noninvolvement from this group is simply being unmotivated to dig out issues and information. If government was presented in a method that is understandable and easily accessible, I believe more people would get involved. George W. Bush is using facebook to promote a book. Why can’t Obama use it to explain his health care plan in words that are relatable to young adults? Why didn’t recent candidates during elections use any method of social networks? There is a whole genre of young people that are left out of campaigning and if someone could tap into the social networks, I feel they would have far greater support and more votes.

1 comment:

  1. I was really interested in the topic that Cheris chose, and I agree with her in many ways. I would like to see our politicians in general open up a page in the social network and be able to answer any doubts, complains or just simple questions we as citizens may have. I think it’s an awesome idea because we will be able to see our Politician’s real point of view towards any topic because they will be put on the spot.

    I personally need an extra push towards my political views and I will totally be interested in getting this experience through a page like FaceBook or Twitter. I will get the chance to think of my questions and get answers quickly unlike we do now; because most of us don’t send letters to our politicians addressing our concerns. I think it will bring up the voting rate for any elections because we will get the chance to chat and be friends with the candidates running through the social page. Unfortunately the down side about this idea is that many angry or upset people may comment or argue a topic in an ugly manner and it will be posted on the open Net. Also politicians may not be the ones answering the questions but one of their secretaries, and this will defeat the purpose of the whole idea. I believe that in the future more politicians will be encouraged to open up their own social network page and we, the young adults, along with the rest of the world will be able to follow them.
